Thursday, March 1, 2012

Those Moments

We all have them.  Those moments were we have clarity. I have had many of them over the course of my life but the ones about my weight and my health seem to slip away. I had a moment of clarity over this past weekend.  I moment where I realized that I weight as much as someone much taller and I thought much heavier than me.  It was shattering.  This realization came together with finding Unfuck Your Habitat: Terrifying motivation for lazy people with messy homes and Girl Unlocked: In which a thoroughly modern writer girl unfucks her life and conquers personal entropy about a week ago. These things lead to this.

Here is the deal.  The posts here will be mostly health and weight related.  I am paying for Weight Watchers® but I am not following plan. So first I will be posting what I eat every day It might not be pretty but it might make me be accountable. Second, and this is where this blog title comes in, I will be exercising every day on the Wii.  I have Wii Fit and My Fitness Coach 1 & 2 but I have not been using them.  I will be posting about what Wii program I used. Thirdly, I will be posting about general mind and body unfucking.  If there is interest, I might post also about my habitat, which needs some serious unfucking as well. but baby steps.

The Plan:
1. Post food
2. Post Wii Exercise
3. Post Progress
4. Post other random unfucking.

Time to go get started.

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